Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Superbad mest 1 analysis

Media forms -This text is a american teen comedy which relates to all the teenage swearing in the scene. the sub genre is high school cteenage comedy and is closley associated with the american hit teenage comedy film american pie.
In this scene of superbad it shows a flashback to seths childhood were his life was changed becuase he was caught drawing penis's and was acused of being possesed by the dick devil.

This scene is set in a school and all characters in the scene are children. narrative moments in the scene would be were he is caught drawing these pictures as this relates to the title of being "Superbad".
In the scene we can see how Propps theory applies to the text as Seth is the hero trying to impress the Princess of the film who he is trying to get and the villian would be the teacher getting him into trouble. levi struas's binary oppositions also applies as the hero seth is caught drawing penis's and that is seen as a bad and corrupt thing.

In the scene children are represented as very imature and this is shown in the clip where the girl is showing screaming becuase she sees the drawings.
The film is shown as a male dominated film as all the lead characters roles are given to male characters and women are just seen as objects in the film this is shown in the clip where the attention is focused on seth and not female roles in the scene. this scene also relates to audience appeals as the need to belong to a group is very apparent in this text, this is shown in the scene where the hero is trying to impress the princess by doing something stupid.

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