Monday 26 January 2009

Bullet boy codes and conventions

Narrative - the narrative of Bullet boy is shown in a very basic manner through voice overs and texts shown throughout the trailer to back up and go with the voice overs.
The narrative moment in the trailer in my veiw was the words "one shot" displayed and ashely walters shown with a gun to go with the text.
The trailer shows that the film uses Propp's theory as you can identify ashley walters as the hero, his lover to be the princess, his mum to be the doner,
his freind to be the helper and the police to be the villians.
They also have used binarry opposition in the trailer by showing a child with a gun in several scenes.

Setting - This film is set in London and this can be seen through the scenes during the trailer , also during the trailer they show the awards won or nominated for the film and the awards are British.

Characters - all characters in the trailers are shown in tense scences and no characters is shown in any shape or form happy or with nothing to worry about.
ashley walters is clearly shown as the main character as most the trailer is revolved around him and his fight against avoiding the police.
Other chracter roles in the film arent shown as of more importance as ashley walters although the child shown with the gun really gets the audiences attention as this is something nobody wants to see.

Iconnography - In the trailer I think the gun is used to link to the title of the film "bullet boy". The gun is clearly a major factor in the film and the trailers revolves around this and the tittle suggests so does the film.

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